It is not the size; it is the quality of the gift.
Nasso Torah Portion: Numbers 5-1-7:89 Halph Torah Portion: Judges 13:2-25 New Testament: Luke 1:11-20 In this Torah…
And He called them by name
Torah Portion Numbers 1:1-4:49 Halph Torah Portion Hosea 2:14-23 Brit Hadisha Revelation 7:1-17 Opening this Torah Portion…
Farm Update For May 2023
An update has not been written since February 2023. A lot of work has happened on the farm, we have been to Israel twice for Passover and the second Passover, and got pneumonia once.
Emor Round Table Discussion
Emor Round Table Discussion Part 1 Emor Round Table Discussion Part 2 Emor Torah Portion Leviticus 21:1-24:23…
And they did all that YHVH commanded
Pekudei Torah Portion Ex 38:21-40:38 Halph Torah Portion I Ki 7:51-8:21 Brit HaDasha Rev. 15:5-8…
Are you occupying until his return
DOWNLOAD LINK In this Torah Portion, we have YHVH instructions on the final items of the Tabernacle. The incense, perfume, and the laver. We also…
Farm Update For February 2023
February was a slow and “blah” month for getting anything done on the farm. The month started with rain. The rain was much needed and…
Call to action
As many of you know what we are doing in Jordan and the projects we are working on. We can agree that YHVH (God) blesses…
What are you willing to give for the Kingdom of God?
What are you willing to give for the Kingdom of God? Terumah Torah Portion Exodus 25:1-27:19 Halph Torah Portion I…